Download QIRX Software Defined Radio

QIRX is 64-Bit software, based on TCP/IP raw I/Q data. For its operation the proper TCP/IP server is necessary for interfacing to the used hardware. They are included in the download package. The Version History is listed separately. Only the latest versions are downloadable here. For older versions, please contact me via email.

Hint: If you are undecided whether to continue to use the free QIRX V3 or purchase a QIRX V4 license, you can have both on your machine. Thanks to Herman Wijnants, you can get on his Website here a step-by-step instruction, describing what it needs to achieve it.

  • Feburary 2025, QIRX Remote V0.0.9
  • Feburary 2025, QIRX V4.3.1
  • January 2024, QIRX 3.2.3
  • June 2023, QIRX Console 0.9.4

TCP/IP Servers

Please note that the sources available from GitHub are NOT necessary to run QIRX, as its download package contains all binaries.

  • rtl_tcp and rtl2_tcp are available on GitHub.
    Great thanks to old-dab, aka Oldenburger (in the rundfunkforum) for his excellent software and ongoing maintenance of these drivers.
    • The rtl_tcp driver is again available, together with rtl2_tcp. The latter allows for a selection of a RTL-SDR device in case of more than one are connected. As before, the sources are on GitHub.
    • The rtl_tcp driver allows to switch between QIRX and other SDR apps without changing the driver.
    • The V4 dongle is supported.

  • RSP3_tcp. Sources available on Github.
    • For the RSP driver to work, sdrplay's service must have been installed.
    • It got a new commandline switch -B [0|1]. For a description, see GitHub.
    • There exists also a version for Linux. For the installation, please have a look at GitHub.
    • RSP2_tcp is no longer supported.

  • ASPY_tcp. The old airspy_tcp has been deprecated.
    • The new driver has become necessary, as the old airspy_tcp often only showed noise and no signal.
      The sources will soon be put on GitHub. The software is based on the proven RSP3_tcp technology.
    • Currently, only a Windows version is available. Linux will follow.
    • airspy_tcp is no longer supported.

QIRX V4.3.1

Important Remark: Please note that it is no longer possible for me to provide the license of new versions for free. To cover my costs, I have to charge a moderate fee for a permanent license. You might request a time-restricted (15 days) demo version to evaluate whether this is interesting for you (what I hope, of course!). Of course, the free V3.2.3 is here for download as well.

The Version History might give you a summary of the new features. In addition, here on this page you can get an updated comprehensive comparison of the latest versions features.

Please note that all QIRX versions downloadable here, in particular the V3.2.3 and the V4, are licensed for non-commercial, private use only , regardless whether they are provided for free or not.

The download consists of a single installer file QIRX424_Setup.msi, containing in particular the following products:
  • QIRX 4.3.1
    • qirx.exe "Single File Executable". It runs under the .net8-windows environment. It contains all system files of the .net8 system and all application files and DLL's, packed in one file of about 118MByte.
      With "Single File Executables" no installation of the .net8 system is necessary.
    • Resources.dll, containing the basic, GUI-independent part of QIRX.
    • dabTII.dll for DAB TII recognition.
  • qirx_audio, .net8 V2.3, for AAC audio output. If the folder is omitted, qirx will work but without AAC audio. The qirx_audio project (GPL license) is available on Github.
    Remark: This new version of qirx_audio got configurable port numbers for their UDP ports. The version is not compatible with the older versions.
  • RSP3_tcp V0.3.13 with multi-device selection, gain indication, BiasT, persisted antenna selection, persisted notch filter selection for WFM, DAB
  • rtl2_tcp V0.9.6.7 with gain indication, bandwidth control and BiasT, Sideband suppression calibration, multi-device selection
  • rtl_tcp V0.9.6.7 with gain indication, bandwidth control and BiasT, Sideband suppression calibration
  • ASPY_tcp V0.2 with BiasT
  • Licensing conditions

SHA1: 76c37d1f35cf3f3984107709ee4d8e4bb90d7f08

Installation Remarks:

QIRX Remote

QIRX Remote is a new variant, based on the proven QIRX technology and using the same QIRX Kernel as the V4. It is still in an experimental state. It (currently) allows to select and listen to DAB services on a smartphone or tablet, within the local WiFi, without the necessity of another app on the device.
You find a complete documentation here on this web.

SHA1: 0cac1b6bef1d333a60f4b8b45e41c89879f85e0c

New Download Procedure for QIRX V4 and QIRX Remote
The changed download consists in a two-step procedure:
  • Step1: The "Email" input field accepts a registered and valid email address. This means that you need an email address known to the system, most probably by having entered it during a license key request.
    After having clicked on the "Request Download Token" button, you will receive an automatically generated email containing a 6-digit random number.

  • Step2: The "Download Token" input field field accepts the number you had received via email. After having entered it, you may click the "Download" button to download the product. Then, you might download a limited number of the product file, in a given time.

  • Rationale: The download system had been abused a number of times. The now changed procedure allows a better control over the downloads, and hopefully prevents e.g. many absolutely identical downloads, taking place seemingly in bursts.
    Although the former has been the main driver for the new procedure, another effect is that it will become possible to control which products need a renewing of the license. The license conditions remain unchanged.

QIRX V3.2.3

Important Remark: Before installing this version, un-install manually any old version on your machine.
Otherwise some weird errors could appear, which are probably due to the working of the current installer.
Credit for tracking down this behavior is to andimik, who reported it in the corresponding thread.

The download consists of a single installer file QIRX323_Setup.msi, containing the following products:
  • QIRX 3.2.3
    • qirx.exe "Single File Executable". It runs under the .net6-windows environment. It contains all system files of the .net6 system and all application files and DLL's, packed in one file of about 150MByte.
      With "Single File Executables" no installation of the .net6 system is necessary.
    • Resources.dll, containing the basic, GUI-independent part of QIRX.
    • dabTII.dll for DAB TII recognition.
  • qirx_audio, .net6 V2.2, for AAC audio output. If the folder is omitted, qirx will work but without AAC audio. The qirx_audio project (GPL license) is available on Github.
  • RSP3_tcp V0.3.3
  • rtl_tcp V0.9.6.3 with gain indication, bandwidth control and BiasT, Sideband suppression calibration
  • airspy_tcp V0.14 with BiasT
  • Licenses
SHA1: 5833d560a5d2938249ae54223ce857f726519b89

Performance Remark:
Heiko Vogel optimized the code of the included Viterbi.dll such that the resulting symbol time went down by 30% or even more. This lot means that QIRX might also be able to run on slower machines where before they were too slow. Sadly, this DLL cannot be included in this download, due to licensing reasons, as it uses the GPL-licensed SPIRAL SSE2 code. You might wish to download it from his GitHub repository. You can also follow the discussion in the corresponding thread (in German). Give it a try. It works!


QIRX Console Version 0.9.3 (Windows only)

The Windows Installer QIRX093_Setup.msi contains the same products as the Linux console version 0.9.3. The functionality of the appropriate Linux script files is contained in .bat files.
SHA-1: 3ae0f8dab61aebbe4e15ca4c103609c84eb86cf2


Linux QIRX Console Version 0.9.4

The download file contains the following products:
  • QIRX Console "Single File Executable", command line interface.
  • Resources.dll, QIRX Kernel , binary identical with the Windows version 4.0.8.
  • dabTII.dll for DAB TII recognition.
  • qirx_audio, .net6 version 2.2
  • rtl_tcp, Linux version
  • RSP3_tcp, Linux version 0.3.8
  • Necessary C DLLs, Linux versions.
  • Scripts for installation and program start.
  • Scripts for demonstrations of the command-line feature (rtl_tcp and RSP3_tcp).
  • Licenses
SHA-1: 72b5dac1f749dbec6fa87136f0505c1283de7974

It is NOT necessary to install the .net6 and/or the .net7 system on Linux, as the binaries in the download package are self-contained, bringing the .net system with them.
For Installation and first steps, look here .


Linux Version DAB-Only (based on the deprecated V1.0.0.4)

It contains the following items:

  • Sources, as a single Monodevelop solution
  • Common Code sources, identical to the Windows software
  • Pre-compiled .NET Binaries (in the "Release" directory)
  • Sources of the necessary Shared Libraries (except fftw)
  • Pre-compiled Shared Libraries
  • Shell script to compile and distribute the necessary Shared Libraries (except fftw)
  • dabTII.dll for DAB TII recognition (separate license)
  • Documentation and DAB+ Samples are not included
MD5: e662fb2b76a72393bf8ad537ec009931


Add-Ons for Linux V1.0.0.4

It contains the following products:

  • rsp_tcp_CodeLite
  • A Linux version to produce the RSP2_tcp I/Q data server. It can be used to produce the product in the CodeLite IDE IDE. Tested on Debian 9.
  • QIRX_RemoteIQServerStarter.
  • It contains the Mono version of the "StubForRemoteStart" together with the RSP2_tcp binary.
MD5: 06cb4905e9a2eb4a713e986137fcc889


QIRX DAB-Database V1.3 (with "Microsoft redistributable driver")

It contains the following products:

  • qirxDAB.xlsx Transmitter Database. This (outdated) database file is no longer necessary, as it can be rebuilt by the "Update DB" QIRX feature.
  • AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe "Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable" Installer. It has a size of almost 28MB.
  • License, Readme
MD5: efa836f7437f8d7c730f50ce39445432



It contains the following items:

  • Three DAB+ samples of classical music recorded with QIRX. The samples are recordings from "Hessischer Rundfunk", Ensemble 7B "hr Radio", Service hr2. This service is distributed with the highest DAB+ bitrate of 144 kbps. The samples are downloadable with kind permission of Hessischer Rundfunk.

MD5: 944d64f67612d61180567cb4fb6b0137

Raw data samples recorded with QIRX are available, however not downloadable, due to their size. One second produces about 4MB of raw data. If you need samples, e.g. for DAB experiments, send us an email.


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